Knowing the Significant Impact of Internal Links to SEO

One of the simplest strategies to boost your chances of maintaining a top search engine rating is to make use of internal links.

Any company worth its salt would love to have its website dominate the search results for all relevant keywords. One of the simplest strategies to boost your chances of maintaining a top search engine rating is to make use of internal links.

The thing is, Google is used every day by billions of people across the world to find information.

However, the fact that the internet is so vast presents a challenge. Google’s continued dominance as the world’s most popular search engine can be attributed to the fact that it consistently and swiftly answers user queries. People wouldn’t use Google if it couldn’t quickly and accurately return results closely related to their search terms.

Even if Google’s algorithm is still a mystery, we know that a well-organized and consistent website is more important than ever. Its content serves as the skeleton, while the internal link provides structural integrity.

The Significance of Internal Links

Creating and maintaining internal links is typically considerably simpler than doing so for external backlinks, which are made when one website connects to another website on the internet.

They are frequently disregarded because of their lack of complexity. But if you have a good plan for internal linking, it can significantly affect your site’s success in organic search.

How Much of an Impact Do Internal Links Have On SEO?

Google is able to interpret the content of a site with a specified internal link structure, and it also contributes to a more pleasant, intuitive user experience.

A higher ranking is possible after Google has a better grasp of the importance of the information presented on your site. It’s not a fluke that internal links get their own report in Google Search Console.

The internet is enormous, and its size continues to expand daily. With Google’s help, it’s much easier to find your way through what seems like an infinite online world, as the search engine only returns results that are actually relevant to your query.

The best way to find your way around the internet before the advent of search engines like Google was to use directory services that arranged webpages in accordance with their subject matter. Some of these directories are still around, although they are far too extensive to be of any real value.

Internal Links and Their Main Types

When you add a link from one page on your website to another page on the same website, you have created what is known as an internal link. To further clarify, since they all point to the same parent site, these are all internal links.

It’s possible to categorize internal links in a number of ways. When defining nodes in DOM, we look at the location of internal links as a whole.

  • Contextual Links

These citation links help you find similar resources on the web. A “click here” or “read more” call to action might be used to signify a contextual link. Let’s pretend you run an online sporting goods store, and your homepage links to the organization’s blog. There is a post listing the best ten basketball sneakers in that blog. In an effort to convert site visitors into buyers, you include a clickable link to each shoe’s unique product page.

  • Footer Links

Just like the navigational links, these are here to help you get around. There is usually a close relationship between the links in the navigation and the links in the footer of a website. However, e-commerce sites’ footers may also connect to useful operational pages like their Privacy Policies, Terms and Conditions, and Refund Policies.

  • Navigational Links

You may usually see these at the page’s header or in a sitemap created in HTML. They direct site visitors to your site’s most vital or frequently visited pages.

  • Sidebar Links

These connections were most popular between the years 1990 and 2010 when most people used the internet from a personal computer. These links are becoming less common as more emphasis is placed on a user’s experience on a mobile device such as an iPhone or Android. Links on a website’s sidebar usually lead to content that is relevant to the user’s current reading, such as recently-read blog entries or similar products.


Indeed, internal links are a crucial aspect of SEO and website navigation. They help provide a better user experience, ensure better rankings, and even increase website traffic. They can also help keep visitors on your website for longer, as they are more likely to move from one page to the other. It is essential that you use internal links in a strategic way and make sure that they are relevant to the content of the pages they link to.

If you are looking for a company that provides affordable SEO services in Singapore, look no further than our expertise here at Adverdize. We are a digital marketing agency focusing on long-term organic growth, supercharging your sales. We are based in Singapore, but we work with clients all over the world. Call us today, and let us help you with your SEO campaigns in no time!

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Jetson Lam

Jetson Lam is an SEO Specialist with a keen interest in online marketing, who is fascinated by analytics, metrics, SEO best practices, and conversions. He founded Adverdize, which is a high-performance SEO Marketing agency based in Singapore.

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